Failed to start Bluetooth: [org.bluez.Error.NotReady] Resource Not Ready

I ran into this error on Home Assistant Container, on Docker.

Failed to start Bluetooth: [org.bluez.Error.NotReady] Resource Not Ready

To resolve this, I opened a terminal into my Home Assistant Container, using Portainer and ran the following command

bluetoothctl power on

Unfortunately, each time I restarted my Home Assistant container, the problem came back, so I had to find a way to make it persistent. The solution I came up with was to run this command automatically in my Docker Compose yaml file when the container restarted.

You can do this with the command... command. Take a look at this sample of my Docker Compose file.

    container_name: home-assistant
    image: homeassistant/home-assistant:stable
      - /opt/hass/config:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
    privileged: true

    command: /bin/bash -c "bluetoothctl power on && hass -c /config/"
      - TZ=Europe/London
    restart: always
    network_mode: host

This will run the bluetoothctl power on command, and then start Home Assistant with the hass -c /config/ command.

For more information, check out my video on Bluetooth in Home Assistant Container!


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